فارسی عربي


Iran TV series shows Ayatollah Khamenei

Iranian series ‘The Enigma of Shah’ shows Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei at the time of Iran tyrant ruler Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Iranian actress Ali Reza Mehran played the role of the Leader in the TV series when he was imprisoned during the reign of Iran dictator Mohammad Reza Shah.

The TV series is a 2010-2017 history Iranian TV Series directed by Mohammad Reza Varzi. The IRIB production is being shown on Iran Television with many historical and influential figures involved in formation of Islamic Revolution featured in the series.

An Iranian actor also played the role of late founding father of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini in the historical series.

To prevent the formation of Islamic Revolution in Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah ordered his subjects to keep the dissidents in custody. Many opposition activists and political opponents were killed and/or tortured by the tyrant.  

“Ebrat Museum” (Edification Museum) of Tehran puts abuses under the Shah on display.

